Friday, December 18, 2015

Who'll Get your Property?

Who'll Get your Property?

|Who'll get your property---dear soul,
When you no longer have contro;?
Will it be left for worldy kin
To send them deeper into sin???

Will sons and daughters law it out,
Or will each other fuss and pout,
Because they don't or won't agree
Just what the share of each will be?

Will someone drink it all away,
As sometimes happens, sad to say?
Will it be spent, when you have died.
To gratify a lot of PRIDE?

Will those for whom you've saved it up
Expend it just to fill life's cup
With pleasures that will CURSE and blight
And send them down to HELL'S BLACK

Who'll get your business, or your land,
And cash, perhaps, you have on hand?
Who'll get the means that you have saved
For which you sacrificed and slaved?
You'd better seek God's HOLY WILL
Before you grow quite weak and ill,
As to the way your means should go
When you are through with earth below.
--Walter F. Isenhour

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