Friday, December 18, 2015

Are you bearing reproach for your Saviour?

Are you bearing reproach for your Saviour?
   Are you gathered alone to His name?
Have you taken His place of rejection?
   Are you sharing His suffering and shame?

His Name, though despised and rejected,
   Is a Name that we honour and love,
For JESUS, disowned by man's hatred,
   Is highly exalted above.

The apostles rejoiced and were happy,
   When suffering shame for His Name,
They counted it joy to be worthy
   To share in His suffering and shame.

And Moses, by faith, forsook Egypt,
   Refusing its treasures and fame,
Chose rather to suffer affliction
   And bear the reproach of His Name.

If ye be reproached for your Saviour,
   The Scripture says "Happy are ye,"
The Spirit of God and of glory
   Is resting in blessing on thee.

O think of the anguish HE suffered,
   These words of His own lips did impart;
"Mine enemies daily reproach Me,"—
   "Reproach, it hath broken My heart!"

Dread not the reproach that men offer,
   Fear not their revilings and shame,
For Jesus is with you to comfort,
   He knows, for He's suffered the same.

So, if His reproach you are feeling,
   When following Jesus as Lord,
The path will grow sweeter and brighter,
   And bring an eternal reward.
             —Lois Beckwith

Fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings. Isa. 51:7

I, even I, am He that comforteth you.  Isa. 51:12

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