Friday, December 18, 2015

Somebody needs your sympathy,

*Somebody needs your sympathy,
Your words of comfort sweet;
You'll find him somewhere if you look,
Perhaps he's on the street;
Or maybe in a lonely room, --
An invalid on his cot;
Perhaps he's suffered, suffered long
Although you knew it not.
Somebody needs your sympathy,
Your prayers amid the strife;
Perhaps it is a mother dear,
Who's suffered much in life;
Or some forsaken girl or boy
Beneath the world's cold feet,
Unnoticed by the passing throngs
They chance so much to meet.
Somebody needs your sympathy,
A doctor, or a nurse;
Or preacher wearied with his toils,
Whom men despise and curse;
Or teacher, who has done her best
to educate your child;
Or man in business, worn and tired
Whose brain is almost wild.
Somebody needs your sympathy --
A beggar by the way;
Or father bent with many cares,
Who longs to hear you pray;
Or maybe some poor sinner lost,
Because you passed him by;
Or wretched soul that's strayed from God
Who very soon shall die.
Somebody needs your sympathy,
Within a prison cell,
Though guilty of a crime, yet he
Would like to hear you tell
The story of redemption true,
And how he can be saved
From evils, sins and wickedness
That have his life enslaved.

*By Walter E. Isenhour*

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