Friday, December 18, 2015



What will it profit when life here is o'er,
Though great worldly knowledge and wisdom I gain,
If, in seeking that knowledge, I utterly fail
The wisdom of God to obtain.

What will it profit, when life here is o'er,
Though gathering riches and fame,
If, gaining the world, I lose my own soul,
And in heav'n unknown is my name.

What will it profit, when life here is o'er,
Though earth's farthest corners I see,
If, going my way and doing my will,
I miss what His love planned for me?

What will it profit, when life here is o'er,
Though earth's fleeting love has been mine,
If in seeking its gifts, I fail to secure
The riches of God's love divine?

What will it profit? My soul, stop and think!
What balance that day will declare:
Life's record made bare, will gain turn to loss,
And leave me at last to despair?

Grace E. Tory

/" For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses
his own soul?
Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Matthew 16:28/

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